About Kimberly Mearkle

My name is Kim, I am the broker and proprietor of the company. Many of you know me as I have been in the real estate business for almost 24 years. It has been my pleasure to meet many new and wonderful friends. We opened our office here in my family business of Juniata Trading back in 1997..Thank you for your continued support through the years. The repeat clients and customers are really what make everything so sweet. I have sold properties to and for grandparents,children and now even a few of the grandchildren. Living in a small community makes the everyday life a realtor even more fulfilling. Having been there through weddings, babies and sadly to say sometimes death, you become entwined with your extended family, so to speak. Thank you to all my clients current and past, that see my truck and just stop in to say “hi” and chat a moment. The reason of my success I believe is that I have a genuine passion for the area in which we live. Selling or helping you purchase real estate is my enjoyment as well as my livelihood. I love our county, the endless mountains, the quaint towns, the quiet country roads, the list is endless. The eternal beauty of this area amazes me each day. If you are looking for a laid back way of living, or a little peace and quiet after a long days work, you have come to the right location. South Central Pa is the best place to be.

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