Old Houses for Sale in New Hampshire

Old Houses for Sale in

New Hampshire

c. 1768
  • Richmond, New Hampshire
  • $599,900

250 years ago a pioneer explored southern NH in search of the ideal site to build his family a home. Raised on a gentle mound, with a view of a neighboring peak and protected by a deep, stream-filled gorge, the settler cleared 5 acres of land. Using only local timbers and massive granite blocks, he […]

c. 1907
  • Keene, New Hampshire
  • $609,000

How often do you get to buy a gem in the Gateway neighborhood of Keene NH? This gracious 1907 Victorian has been updated into a modern liveable house with an attached, completely remodeled ADU that produces nice monthly income. The seven color exterior treatment of the house is referred to as a “painted lady”. Upon […]

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