About Jane Fleury

Jane’s passion for helping people find their place in Wilmington started young with every summer vacation spent at Wrightsville Beach and when she finally moved here in 2003 after graduation. She finds the detective work and relationships of real estate thrilling and after a brief hiatus from real estate, she’s bringing her skills from customer service over to her business.

After a dual career in real estate and customer service, Jane is not only knowledgeable about the market and the process, but she is quick on her feet, able to juggle many tasks at once, with a true knack for building strong social and community connections. Jane seeks to create a warm environment and develop relationships first and foremost with her clients, offering them the deepest level of concierge service. Backed by the local, regional, and international power of Ivester Jackson | Christie’s, Jane brings the best in marketing, strategy, exposure, and service.

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