Tyler Bentley

Tyler Bentley

About Tyler Bentley

As a teenager at school, I was the kid other students approached about issues with their phone or laptop. I was the go-to guy for fixing resolving any technical problems. Today, not much has changed. I’m still the first point of call for technical issues. The difference is I now also develop innovative software to solve the problems of multinational companies. One of my most recent projects for a Vauxhall Service center involved designing and rolling out a new piece of software to optimize the efficiency of online car service bookings. This contributed to a reduction in staff numbers and a 12% increase in car service bookings.

In my spare time, I manage a voluntary organization called Butterfly, which aims to help young people get involved in technology. This involves training kids in software development and key technical processes. I also create PS4 games, one of which was voted as the best game of 2020 on over 10 websites.

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